1. | Christina @ Christina's book coner | 268. | Ellie P | |
2. | Febri @ The Meilairean Wednesdays | 269. | Lucy @ A Book And A Brew | |
3. | Jana @ penguininabluebox | 270. | Lucy @ Things Lucy Reads | |
4. | Isabel @ A Fangirl Wonderland | 271. | Quinn @ Quinn's Book Nook | |
5. | The Nickster | 272. | Maria @ Teen Ya Book Nerd | |
6. | Michaela | 273. | Cynthia @ Bingeing On Books | |
7. | Alexsa | 274. | Danie @ Booktacular | |
8. | Iphigenia (GreekGirlReads) | 275. | Vanessa @ Chboskyy | |
9. | Jo Kay @ Beyond Strange New Words | 276. | Elsi @ Reading in Texas | |
10. | Piper @ Pages of Piper | 277. | Phaedra | |
11. | Chantale @ Canadian Book Addict | 278. | Marita | |
12. | Stacey @ Squiggles Reviews | 279. | Amber | |
13. | Miriam Kahn | 280. | Monika @ Lovely Bookshelf | |
14. | Kimberly @ On the Wings of Books | 281. | Lydia @ Something Like Lydia | |
15. | Sarah @ Sarah Says Read | 282. | Sarah @ Just One More Chapter | |
16. | Ellen @the_secrets_in_books | 283. | Emma @ Bookshelf Kitten | |
17. | Louisa | 284. | Renae @ Respiring Thoughts | |
18. | Stephanie | 285. | Ticiana | |
19. | Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal | 286. | Megan @ Leafing Through Life | |
20. | Mel @ Reviews In A Pinch | 287. | Alex | |
21. | Sarah | 288. | Jen - "Imriela" | |
22. | Sharon @ The Book Barbies | 289. | Becky @ Book Bite Reviews | |
23. | Felicia @ The Geeky Blogger | 290. | Rachel @ Go Read A Book | |
24. | Charleen @ Cheap Thrills | 291. | Melissa | |
25. | Jayne VS Books | 292. | Ivy | |
26. | Brianna (The Book Vixen) | 293. | Amy @ Book Enthral | |
27. | Carmen @CHRebel22 | 294. | Cheryl | |
28. | Brandie @ Brandie is a Book Junkie | 295. | Michael | |
29. | kristaonpurpose | 296. | Ausbooklover | |
30. | Claire @The Little Bookshelf | 297. | Spines & Covers | |
31. | Emma @ Never Judge a Book by its Cover | 298. | Sherri @ Marathonsun | |
32. | @bybreenah | 299. | Stacie @ SincerelyStacie | |
33. | Shelly @ Books and Writing | 300. | Richard | |
34. | Catherine | 301. | Jenn and The Cats | |
35. | Yvo @ It's All About Books | 302. | Krystal @ Books Are My Thing | |
36. | Alexsa H. | 303. | Leandrea | |
37. | Maren @ The Worn Bookmark | 304. | Marissa (@mari13ssathestrange) | |
38. | jen7waters | 305. | Jenn @ Booksessed | |
39. | Melissa @ Double-Stacked Bookshelves | 306. | Bex @ An Armchair by the Sea | |
40. | Alina @ Radiant Reads | 307. | Pouneh | |
41. | Leonor (Ner) @A Cup of Coffee and a Book | 308. | Sam @ The Little Munchkin Reader | |
42. | Ashley @ Bookaholics Anonymous | 309. | Katie Who Can Read | |
43. | Shaina @ Shaina Reads | 310. | Thannya @My Lovely Secret | |
44. | Emily @Embuhleeliest | 311. | Mia the anxious book owl @literature and anxiety | |
45. | Stephanie @ In Wonderland | 312. | Els/thefeministgeek @ readingthething.net | |
46. | Stefani @ Caught Read Handed | 313. | Emma @ EmmaLouisa.com | |
47. | Melissa @ Must Read Faster | 314. | Ashleigh @ AshleighMuses | |
48. | Giovanna @ BookComaBlog | 315. | Christina @ My Life in Books | |
49. | Heather @ Heather Reviews | 316. | Alexandra | |
50. | Sarah Reads Too Much | 317. | Mel@thedailyprophecy | |
51. | Hillareads | 318. | Chetana | |
52. | Sarah E. @ Rocky Top Real Talk | 319. | Tracey @PrintedWordsAnd | |
53. | Gina @ Book Dragon's Lair | 320. | Allie @ Captive Heart | |
54. | Raquel @ Raquel Gabrielle's Blog | 321. | Sarah @ Exploring All Genres | |
55. | Lily @ Pages and Tea | 322. | Julianne @ Outlandish Lit | |
56. | Leann @Between Library Shelves | 323. | Brandee Holland | |
57. | Lizzy @ mylittlebookblog | 324. | Nick @ Nick's Book Blog | |
58. | Rekha @ Million Book Mill | 325. | Kristilyn (A Little Time To Read) | |
59. | Erica Mangin | 326. | Rachel @ A Cascade of Books | |
60. | Amanda @ On a Book Bender | 327. | Charlie@Fur Earwig! | |
61. | Jenna @ JMill Wanders | 328. | TFrances @ Wading Through | |
62. | Lorise | 329. | Andrea @ The Overstuffed Bookcase | |
63. | Kim @ kimberlyfaye reads | 330. | Katrina @ RinaReadsBooks | |
64. | Mona @ Bookworm_Period | 331. | Bierbaum Bookworm (new) | |
65. | NI @ A Lovely Place to Be | 332. | Tina @ Tina, The Bookworm | |
66. | Lois@ You, Me and a Cup of Tea | 333. | Michelle | |
67. | Kiersten @ We Live and Breathe Books | 334. | Joey @ thoughts and afterthoughts | |
68. | Lori @ Palmer's Page Turners | 335. | Kaitlin @ Next Page Please! | |
69. | Ali | 336. | Jess @Princessica of Books | |
70. | Sof @ The Rainbow Bookshelf | 337. | Sabrina | |
71. | Lauren @ Bookmark Lit | 338. | Kenzie @ Bookish Things and Tea | |
72. | Hannah (The Book Pub) | 339. | Tori | |
73. | Robin @Where Books Lead Us | 340. | Memory @ In the Forest of Stories | |
74. | Ashly @ Book 'n' Go | 341. | Re-Anna | |
75. | Alyssa @ Reading, reading, READING! | 342. | Nita | |
76. | Coral @clrussell47 | 343. | Aneeqah @ My Not So Real Life | |
77. | Naughtee Bits | 344. | LiaBooks | |
78. | Dina @ SFF Book Review | 345. | Bianca @ bxancavxctoria | |
79. | Elle @ Erratic Project Junkie | 346. | Muse @ Muse_Books | |
80. | slipperbunny | 347. | Bekka @ Pretty Deadly Reviews | |
81. | Kelsey's Cluttered Bookshelf | 348. | Raquel @ Hitzuji Books | |
82. | Chelsea @ Books for Thought | 349. | Amy | |
83. | Christine @ padfoots library | 350. | Jenna @Jinkies BOoks | |
84. | Andrea @ Bookish Lifestyle | 351. | Stormi@ Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! | |
85. | Celine (@CelineNyx) | 352. | Lea @drumsofautumn | |
86. | Luna | 353. | Sam @ The book corner | |
87. | Candice | 354. | Landslide @ Tantos Livros Tão Pouco Tempo | |
88. | Dulce | 355. | Laquesha @ We're All Bookish Here | |
89. | EM @ Books and Iced Coffee | 356. | Cindy @ A Bookaholic Blog | |
90. | Lynette | 357. | Monique @ To Curl Up and Escape | |
91. | Brittany @ luciensmask | 358. | Emma @ BooksandBoardies | |
92. | Karsyn @ KaKiJoKoJa | 359. | Angeline @ Berds Fly | |
93. | Angie | 360. | Jenn @ The Bookish Ginger | |
94. | Lulu | 361. | Vicky @ alittlesomethingbookish | |
95. | Samantha @highflyingbooks | 362. | Zezee @ Zezee with Books | |
96. | Rachelle @ The Reading Wench | 363. | Emma @ Writer In A Wheelchair | |
97. | Rianna R | 364. | Yaya | |
98. | Samantha @ The Writeables | 365. | Kai(Fiction State of Mind | |
99. | Bemused Bookworm | 366. | Jenna @ Little Bird Reads | |
100. | Ashley @ Paranormal Sister | 367. | Merin @ Read and Reviewed | |
101. | Joanna @ a Quiet Booklover | 368. | Sofia @ Loving the Language of Literacy | |
102. | Brittney @ BritsBookNook | 369. | Mabel | |
103. | Magali | 370. | Denise | |
104. | Franzi | 371. | Sharon @Faith Hope & Cherrytea | |
105. | Crafts4others | 372. | @_eHope tweeting | |
106. | Anna | 373. | Katie @ Doing Dewey | |
107. | Jessie Marie Reads | 374. | Chelsea @ ChelseasBookObsession | |
108. | Jessica @Writing Pearls | 375. | Rena Reads | |
109. | Allison | 376. | Alma | |
110. | Elizabeth @ Fishmuffins of Doom | 377. | Amanda @ The Hopeless Bibliophile | |
111. | Fi @ Bookish Outsider | 378. | Melissa Lee's Many Reads | |
112. | Baggins @ Pinker Than Fiction | 379. | Whitney @ She is too fond of books | |
113. | Trinity | 380. | Colleen @ seekingthespheres | |
114. | Malaika | 381. | Rachel | |
115. | Simute | 382. | Elizabeth @ Forrest of Books | |
116. | J Lenni Dorner | 383. | Alex @ The Book Banner | |
117. | Jessie @ Jessie's Random Place | 384. | Dru @BooksHallyuDru (twitter) | |
118. | Laura @ Laura Plus Books | 385. | Kristin the Bookworm | |
119. | Heather @hermitlibrarian | 386. | Aria Mia | |
120. | Darcus @ Rainy Days and Pajamas | 387. | Bailey @ PlanAndRead | |
121. | Chioma @ Blue Books and Butterflies | 388. | Alexa @ Alexa Loves Books | |
122. | Tif @ Tif Talks Books | 389. | Alyssa @ A Lovely Book Affair | |
123. | Lisa @ Captivated Reader | 390. | Ranada Givens | |
124. | Tiffany @ A Nanny's Literary Musings | 391. | Charmaigne | |
125. | Becca @ Becca Booklover | 392. | Nicole | |
126. | Auggie @ Auggie-Talk | 393. | Plethora | |
127. | Chloe | 394. | Madison De Julio | |
128. | Jeanette | 395. | Reija | |
129. | Vicky @ Books, Biscuits and Tea | 396. | Chantal @ CK's Reading Corner | |
130. | Leslie :) | 397. | Inga | |
131. | Make Kay | 398. | TheButterflyEffect | |
132. | Stefanie | 399. | Pixie | |
133. | Nat (@inspringthedawn) | 400. | Ren @ Fearless Facade | |
134. | Roya | 401. | Cristina @ My Tiny Obsessions | |
135. | Samantha | 402. | Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic | |
136. | Denis | 403. | Nela @ nelamonster | |
137. | Jessica @ EaglesRead | 404. | Gemma | |
138. | Veronica @ Mostly Reviews | 405. | Kristin @ SuperSpaceChick | |
139. | Megan @ Hepburn's Pixie Crop | 406. | Mackenzie @ Oh, For the Love of Books! | |
140. | Amanda @ The Zen Leaf | 407. | Katie McD @ Bookish Tendencies | |
141. | Rebecca @ Futures | 408. | Chrisa | |
142. | Pan Alchemist | 409. | Sarah (@sarahs_chapter) | |
143. | Beth | 410. | Kristina & Daphne @ Gone Pecan | |
144. | Francisca (@the.black.buttlerfly) | 411. | Terri @ cook*create*read | |
145. | MC | 412. | Rita @booksandrita | |
146. | Lottie | 413. | Danae | |
147. | Warda | 414. | Ellie @ The Storybook Girl | |
148. | Julie @ Smiling Shelves | 415. | Ashley (saidthestory) @ashawash | |
149. | Marcee @ A Nurse and A Book | 416. | Jordan | |
150. | @bookception21 | 417. | Julie @ Keep Calm With Books and Coffee | |
151. | Elizabeth @ Earl Grey Editing | 418. | Shayna @ Bibliophilia: A Love Story | |
152. | Colleen | 419. | Anna @ Wolfbooks | |
153. | Sarah @ Flood of Books, etc. | 420. | SuziQoregon @ Whimpulsive | |
154. | Kath Kirk @KathLDK (literogo.com) | 421. | Melody @ Hollywood the Write Way | |
155. | Angel | 422. | Marissa | |
156. | Mandy @My Life as a Reader | 423. | Ashley @ Don't Mince Words | |
157. | lorilay | 424. | Anna @Unquenchable Reads | |
158. | Kay @ The Desert Bibliophile | 425. | Becca @ beccasfullofbooks | |
159. | ranada givens | 426. | Emily @ Oh Magic Hour | |
160. | Melissa @ Jayne's Books | 427. | Gnoe @ Graasland | |
161. | Debora | 428. | Ash Romana | |
162. | Marie @MGoodreads | 429. | Karena | |
163. | mana | 430. | Angel from Starbucks | |
164. | Hannah @ The Book Tower | 431. | T @ Bookpiles 7 Blanketforts | |
165. | Kim @ Divergent Gryffindor | 432. | Roxanne | |
166. | Melbourne on my mind | 433. | Sarah (@novelsandwhimsy) | |
167. | Kajsa @KajsaNordin | 434. | Indigo @ Adventures in YA Fiction | |
168. | Erica @ Silly Socks n' Things | 435. | Bunnita @ Worth Reading It? | |
169. | Bashfulnights | 436. | Christine @Buckling Bookshelves | |
170. | Crini | 437. | Aya | |
171. | Michelle @ Musings of a Writer | 438. | Tami @ Just One More Thing | |
172. | AC@throamirorclear | 439. | Sara Williams | |
173. | Rivalie @Forever Obsession | 440. | Adeline | |
174. | Wulfie | 441. | Eilony | |
175. | Carrie Johnson | 442. | Kaylene | |
176. | Maraia | 443. | Kate | |
177. | Farzy @ Books Keep Me Sane | 444. | Kate @Meraki.Booklove | |
178. | Abbi@Christian Novels | 445. | Duda Klein | |
179. | Kristin @ mylittleheartmelodies | 446. | Sam @ Taking on a World of Words | |
180. | Shannah @ Faith * Love * Books | 447. | Rachel Noel @Purple Owl Reviews | |
181. | Cathy | 448. | Sydney @ Miss Movie of Canada | |
182. | Christina @ You Book Me All Night Long | 449. | Luisina | |
183. | Novalynda Black | 450. | Sierra @ TheBookSpook | |
184. | Mikayla Ambrose | 451. | Danielle @ YA, By the Way | |
185. | Andi | 452. | Kelsy | |
186. | Caitlyn @Just Your Average reviews | 453. | Ali @ Ali Caitrin | |
187. | Louise | 454. | Lindsey @ fangirlian | |
188. | Tressa @ Wishful Endings | 455. | Amber @ Books of Amber | |
189. | Victoria @ My Books Are Me | 456. | Lisa @ Lost in Literature | |
190. | Paulina Sanchez | 457. | Mel Towers | |
191. | Kristen @ The Book Monsters | 458. | Kyla Marie Rich from Reading Poe | |
192. | Naomi | 459. | Charlotte @ Lit Addicted Brit | |
193. | Cat | 460. | Deborah Ingrid | |
194. | Christina @ Creating-Serenity | 461. | Rayna @ Reader Rayna | |
195. | Jenni Elyse @ Jenni Elyse | 462. | Brittany@ Thebookwormbrittany | |
196. | kyra jasper | 463. | Stacy Michelle Loves Books | |
197. | Grimlock | 464. | Ryley @ The Paperback Princess | |
198. | jill @ days at home | 465. | Chels @ Chels and a Book | |
199. | Sana // artsy musings of a bibliophile | 466. | Katherine @ Fabled Haven | |
200. | Samantha @ MegaMilkshake23 | 467. | MusicalTati | |
201. | Valentina Morales | 468. | Ysabeaux | |
202. | Amber Elise @ Du Livre | 469. | Erin @ Readingwithwrin | |
203. | nimrodiel @ Confessions of a Literary Persuasion | 470. | Honey @ Gaga Over Books | |
204. | Shannon (@StalkintheBooks) | 471. | Nikki H @ Take Me Away... | |
205. | Chris @ Brunner's Bookshelf | 472. | Carrie @ Reading Is My SuperPower | |
206. | Anna @ rosieknows | 473. | Becki @ The Flutterby Room | |
207. | Yoomi @ femininemsgeek | 474. | Naomi | |
208. | Patty @ Bookish Wanderlove | 475. | Sydney @ Singing Librarian Books | |
209. | Casey @ StoryNotions | 476. | Lizzie @ Big Books and Grande Lattes | |
210. | Angelica @ Paperback Princess | 477. | Charlotte fireflyreads | |
211. | Nikki @ nikkitheknack | 478. | Katie @ Bookish Illuminations | |
212. | Jessica Claire | 479. | Rosie @ Rosie Reads | |
213. | Megan @ The Reading Swimmer | 480. | Hannah | |
214. | Kristine @ The Cat's Tale | 481. | Kelly @ Wandering Through Books | |
215. | Clare and Ann @ Dual Reads | 482. | Jazz @ Jazmin Jade Reviews | |
216. | Elin | 483. | Audris @ YA Bookmark | |
217. | Jamie @Penminion | 484. | Ashleigh @itsashleighwest | |
218. | Ashli - Faithfully Moonstruck | 485. | Eduardo @ BoomingBooks | |
219. | Shirley @ Creative Deeds Reads | 486. | Dee @ Dee's Book Blog | |
220. | Shania | 487. | Lisa - Lit and Life | |
221. | Melissa | 488. | Emilie @ The Smell of Books | |
222. | Juliet Stubborn | 489. | Jen @ Rectory of Doubt | |
223. | Anne @ Books Baking and Blogging | 490. | Erica @ Silly Socks n' Things | |
224. | Nicola @ robotnic | 491. | Sarah | |
225. | Holly & Nicola @ Bookish Blether | 492. | Becca | |
226. | Karen Evellegrim | 493. | Amberinoface | |
227. | Lori@ Writing My Own Fairy Tale | 494. | Rachel @ thewasofshall | |
228. | Skylar @ A Bibliophile's Wonderland | 495. | Jessamyn @ gingernifty | |
229. | Nalina @ my bookish confessions | 496. | Frishawn@wtfareyoureadin | |
230. | Jennifer @ Bierbaum Bookworm | 497. | Teri @ Henningsen Happenings | |
231. | Miss Sophie | 498. | Kimberly @ Inspirefly | |
232. | Bernadette | 499. | Ana Carolina @boutofreads | |
233. | Jeslyn Horsey | 500. | Nikki @ Book Punks | |
234. | Sharlene @ SharleneSays | 501. | Tamara Woods @ PenPaperPad | |
235. | Filipe @theyareader1 | 502. | Veronica @Grounded Wanderlust | |
236. | Olivia @ abookolive | 503. | Harriet @ReturnNative | |
237. | Shaunie @ The Space Between | 504. | Julia | |
238. | Vanessa {Ninnycat} | 505. | Atikah @ Oh, Hello Books! | |
239. | Bahnree | 506. | Michelle @ True Book Addict | |
240. | Titta @ Reading Madness | 507. | Rincey @ Rincey Reads | |
241. | Jerricka Habib | 508. | Sierra Faith | |
242. | BoekenTrol | 509. | Liz @ TravelinRetrospect | |
243. | Angelya @ Tea in the Treetops | 510. | Sarah @ Trees of Reverie | |
244. | Yaya | 511. | Stephanie @ Once Upon a Chapter | |
245. | Harman @ Little Bookworm Reviews | 512. | Sabrina (unmanagedmischief) | |
246. | Harleen @ Little Bookworm Reviews | 513. | Beth | |
247. | The Other Dani | 514. | Faith @ GeekyZooGirl | |
248. | Kay @ It's a Book Life | 515. | Alex Tally @alexxattack11 | |
249. | Emma @TellerofTales | 516. | Juliana @carvedwords | |
250. | Claire-Rose @ Girl-Who-Got-Tired-Of-Waiting | 517. | Ang @ Eastern Sunset Reads | |
251. | Arya@AryaTheFangirl | 518. | Daisya Spencer | |
252. | Jacquelyn | 519. | Daphne & Kristina @ Gone Pecan | |
253. | Gabs | 520. | Olena @Booky Thoughts and Me | |
254. | Leigh @ Little Book Star | 521. | Canvas | |
255. | Hannah @spyroandbooks | 522. | Elise- KnitReadRepeat | |
256. | Christina @ Geek Heaven | 523. | Tracy @ That First Line | |
257. | JiixBooks | 524. | sprite | |
258. | Kaleigh Ward | 525. | ClumsyBeardy | |
259. | Diana @ Papéis e Letras | 526. | Ana // KhaleesiReads | |
260. | Amber @ Just A Dreamer | 527. | Tori | |
261. | April @ The Steadfast Reader | 528. | Amber Elise @ Du Livre | |
262. | Suey @ It's All About Books | 529. | Olivia @ Brewing Up Books | |
263. | Beckie @ Bittersweet Enchantment | 530. | M | RAIN CITY READS (BACKLISTBOOKS) | |
264. | Heather @ Capricious Reader | 531. | Sasha | |
265. | Marisa | 532. | Kathryn | |
266. | Noora @ Dawn of Books | 533. | Sasha | |
267. | Louise | 534. | LuAnn @ Back Porchervations | |