Start Here

Whether this is your first time participating or you’re a Bout of Books veteran, WELCOME!

While we've attempted to make this site as user friendly as possible, it can still be intimidating to figure out what steps you need to take. This page was created as a simple guide to the sign-up process and what you can do to help spread the word about Bout of Books. 
Getting started

1. Declare your intention to join and link back to us. Post on your site (use the handy paragraph below!), Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Goodreads, Instagram, or wherever you’re publicly updating. This helps us spread the word about the readathon, so be sure to include in your update.
The Bout of Books readathon is organized by Amanda Shofner and Kelly Rubidoux Apple. It’s a weeklong readathon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 19h and runs through Sunday, August 25th in YOUR time zone. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are reading sprints, daily Discord questions, and exclusive Instagram challenges, but they’re all completely optional. For Bout of Books 41 information and updates, visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team
2. Add your link to our sign-up post. If sign up is open, you'll find the link in the sidebar. (If you’re on a mobile device, you may have to go to our home page and scroll to find our sign-up post.) Your link must go directly to your “I’m joining #BoutOfBooks!” update. This makes it easier to verify you’re actually participating, not just in it to get views or followers.

3. READ.

That's it.

Need more?

Keep reading for more information or head to the Help page for answers to frequently asked questions.

General etiquette rules for Bout of Books:

1. Read the directions carefully and follow them. If you've read directions and are still confused about what to do, we have a group of experts who have volunteered to help answer questions via Twitter. You can @ them directly or send out a general call for help using the #boutofbooks hashtag.
  • Bout of Books Experts (AKA, our beloved volunteers who are here to help): 
    • {Want to see how YOU can become an expert?? Check back closer to the next read-a-thon!}
        2. Respect your:
        • Hosts. Hi! That’s us. We’re human and prone to mistakes or getting sucked into our own life. We can’t help everyone through every step of the readathon process. Please try to help yourself first, through our help page, Twitter FAQ thread, or one of our experts before contacting us.
        • Fellow reader. We don’t make the #BoutOfBooks community amazing. YOU do. Encourage your fellow readathoners; don’t turn their progress into a commentary on yours. Be open to book opinions other than your own. Also, name calling and fighting aren’t allowed. If you see behavior that concerns you, including from us, please let us know.
        • Self. Yup, that’s right. You. Practice forgiving yourself if you meant to read but got sidetracked. Let go of the negative self-talk when you get pulled in another direction. Basically, please don’t beat yourself up. As we like to say, "Flailing, not failing."
        3. HAVE FUN! Our goal with the readathon is to provide an opportunity to meet new people, talk about all things books, and read. There is no right or wrong way to approach this event and our intent has always been to be as inclusive as possible.
        Now, get ready to get your read on!