Monday, April 20, 2015

Call for Bout of Books 13 Experts

We need YOU.

Bout of Books has attracted more participants every time we've held it. And as it grows, we're limited as to how many people we can reach and interact with.

That's where Bout of Books experts come in.

What makes a person a Bout of Books expert, you ask?
  • You've participated in AT LEAST four Bout of Books prior to Bout of Books 13
  • You love Bout of Books and want to make sure everyone knows how awesome it is
  • You're willing to commit some of your free time to helping us
  • You love connecting with fellow book lovers and cheering them on
If you're chosen as an expert, you get to visit #boutofbooks-ers' blogs and comment on their posts--tell them how awesome they are and how well they're doing. WHO DOESN'T LOVE SPREADING LOVE?!?!?

We will be closing this form on May 3rd. If you're interested in helping us, make sure you get on our list before then!

Want to help spread the Bout of Books love?
Bout of Books 13 is coming!

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